'Start by doing what's necessary;

then do what's possible;

and suddenly you are doing the impossible.'

-St. Francis of Assisi

Open Your Eyes

Free Creative Spirit

Hydrate your Soul

Together in i.A.M. from Seeker to Master

Are you ready to ACCELERATE your


through the Alchemy of Creation?

Join our Virtual Group Coaching Program and experience the magic of personal transformation, all from the comfort of your home.

Embark on a 12-week, outcome-focused journey

from January 23rd to April 9th, 2024

This is your invitation to master the art of life's alchemy, evolve into an empowered creator, and intentionally weave your dream life.

Step into the Alchemy of Creation with i.A.M. and witness the extraordinary Awakening of your potential












Why i.A.M. and why now?

A Timely Journey of Transformation

The i.A.M. 12-week Group Coaching Program is a profound journey through the pyramid of your consciousness. It’s designed for both newcomers beginning their self-discovery and seasoned seekers aiming to enrich their path and serves as a dynamic launching pad for continuous evolution. It empowers you to release limiting beliefs and behaviors, stepping into an ever-expanding realm of potential. i.A.M. is more than a learning experience; it’s a transformative journey that equips you with enduring insights and tools, opening doors to perpetual growth and new perspectives on the world and yourself.

Historical Context and A Unique Approach to Growth


We live in a time of unprecedented change. The pace of life and technological advancements have accelerated, creating a unique set of challenges and opportunities for growth. Traditional methods of spiritual and personal development, while still valuable, may not fully cater to the complexities of our fast-paced, diverse, and technologically-driven world. i.A.M. is designed with deep understanding of human evolution and consciousness, offering a transformation system aligned with our times. It’s tailored to help you navigate the unique challenges of modern life, drawing upon the wisdom of the ages while being acutely attuned to the demands of today.

Benefits of i.A.M. 

 When you join i.A.M. Coaching, you embark on a transformative journey that cultivates your inner landscape and reshapes your outer world. Here are some of the profound benefits you can expect:

  • Emotional Resilience: Gain improved emotional stability and the ability to navigate life's ups and downs with grace.

  • Enhanced Focus: Develop greater self-control and the ability to concentrate on what truly matters to you.

  • Elevated Confidence: Build a robust sense of self-worth and self-assurance that radiates in every area of your life.

  • Communication Mastery: Acquire skills to significantly enhance your personal and professional relationships through effective communication.

  • Adaptive Response: Learn to respond to life situations with agility and wisdom, rather than reacting impulsively.

  • Deepened Intuition: Strengthen your spiritual connection, allowing for intuitive insights to guide your decisions.

  • Directional Clarity: Attain clarity of purpose and direction, creating a life that aligns with your deepest values.

  • Project Fulfillment: Find the motivation and support to start or complete meaningful projects you've been longing to tackle.

  • Community Connection: Join a community of like-minded individuals, fostering potential lifelong friendships and collaborations.

  • Holistic Growth: Experience comprehensive growth that bridges your personal aspirations with your professional ambitions, leading to a harmonious and fulfilling life.

Each benefit is a stepping stone to crafting the life you envision for yourself—one where balance, growth, and fulfillment are not just ideals, but everyday realities.

Embrace a New Beginning This New Year

As the calendar turns to a new page, so can the story of your life. The i'MAGiNT Accelerated Mastery 12-Week Group Coaching, beginning January 15th, 2024, offers you a chance to start the year with purpose and passion.

Make this New Year a time of transformation and growth. Join us on a heartfelt journey to unlock your potential and connect with a supportive community of fellow seekers.

Choose Your Journey

Unlock Exclusive Bonuses and Ongoing Support

When you enroll in the i'MAGiNT Accelerated Mastery (I.A.M.) Group Coaching, in addition to live 12-week interactive, transformative sessions and support, you will receive an array of exclusive resources designed to catalyze your journey and ensure your continued progress.


 A transformative toolset valued at $888, included for free with your enrollment in i.A.M. Upon enrollment, receive a coupon to claim this comprehensive kit, essential for your i'MAGiNT LiFE journey. Existing i'LM students will receive a special discount instead. This bonus is a cornerstone of your personal growth and transformation with i'MAGiNT LiFE.

Lifetime Access to Blueprint Discovery Workshop

Return to this invaluable resource anytime to deepen your understanding and continue your growth journey.

Session Recordings

Missed a live session or wish to review? You'll receive recordings of each session, ensuring you never miss a beat.

Interactive Playbook

Engage with the course material on a deeper level with an interactive playbook that guides you through each step of the program.

Certificate of Completion

Celebrate your dedication and hard work with a certificate that recognizes your journey and the mastery you've achieved.

Program Faculty and Co-Facilitators

SoFeya SahRa Joseph

Program Leader and Facilitator

Founder and Creator of i'MAGiNT LiFE™, Bestselling Author, International Speaker, former Olympic Figure Skating Coach, Choreographer of Awakening, 4th Degree i'MaStar of I'M Pyramid Mystery School

Learn More About SoFeya

Vanessa Rodriguez

Group Co-Facilitator

Multilingual Certified i'MAGiNT LiFE™ Master Teacher and Coach, Former Global Vice President in the Travel & Hospitality Industry, a Cross-Cultural Nomad, a Full-Time Life School student, an Alchemist, 3rd Degree i'MaStar of I'M Pyramid Mystery School

Learn More About Vanessa

Alicia Mazari-Andersen, Ph.D.

Group Assistant Co-Facilitator

Multilingual Certified i'MAGiNT LiFE™ Teacher, Holistic Nutrition Coach, University Professor, Author, Founder ofNatures.Heal, 1st Degree i'MaStar of I'M Pyramid Mystery School

Learn More About Alicia


"Enroll Now in i.A.M.



Enroll Now in i.A.M.

 Have more questions?

Schedule a call, and we'll be happy to answer them for you.